понедельник, 12 октября 2015 г.

ENG 225 Week 1 Discussion 2 Narrative/Storytelling

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ENG 225 Week 1 Discussion 2 Narrative/Storytelling
As you prepare to write this discussion, take a few moments to do the following:
Read any required and recommended reading materials for this week, especially Chapter 3 from the text.
Review the grading rubric for this discussion.
Select a full-length film from the AFI 10: Top 10 list. 
Our textbook sets up a distinction between story and plot, stating that story is what happens in a movie, and plot is how it happens. The distinction may seem minor; however, throughout this course, we will be scrutinizing the various aesthetic choices and cinematic techniques that work together to create meaning in any movie. With that in mind, we can see that how a film presents action can be very important.
Write (due Thursday, Day 7)
In at least 200 words, describe the relationship of story to plot in your chosen film. Be sure to:
Identify the title, writer, director, major actors, and the year.
Select a full-length film and identify the title, writer, director, major actors, and the year it was released.
Summarize the story and plot of your chosen movie.
Discuss whether your film is presented chronologically or non-linearly. In your discussion, address the
o Howdidthisaestheticchoicecontributetothegeneraleffectontheaudience?
o Howareelementslikecharacterdevelopmentorforeshadowingimpactedbythechoiceof
storytelling methods?
If the film had followed a different presentation style, how would the general effect on the audience have

been different? 

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