понедельник, 12 октября 2015 г.

ENG 225 Week 1 Discussion 2 Narrative/Storytelling

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ENG 225 Week 1 Discussion 2 Narrative/Storytelling
As you prepare to write this discussion, take a few moments to do the following:
Read any required and recommended reading materials for this week, especially Chapter 3 from the text.
Review the grading rubric for this discussion.
Select a full-length film from the AFI 10: Top 10 list. 
Our textbook sets up a distinction between story and plot, stating that story is what happens in a movie, and plot is how it happens. The distinction may seem minor; however, throughout this course, we will be scrutinizing the various aesthetic choices and cinematic techniques that work together to create meaning in any movie. With that in mind, we can see that how a film presents action can be very important.
Write (due Thursday, Day 7)
In at least 200 words, describe the relationship of story to plot in your chosen film. Be sure to:
Identify the title, writer, director, major actors, and the year.
Select a full-length film and identify the title, writer, director, major actors, and the year it was released.
Summarize the story and plot of your chosen movie.
Discuss whether your film is presented chronologically or non-linearly. In your discussion, address the
o Howdidthisaestheticchoicecontributetothegeneraleffectontheaudience?
o Howareelementslikecharacterdevelopmentorforeshadowingimpactedbythechoiceof
storytelling methods?
If the film had followed a different presentation style, how would the general effect on the audience have

been different? 

ENG 225 Week 2 Discussion 2 Lighting

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ENG 225 Week 2 Discussion 2 Lighting
Mise en scène is a term meant to encompass the arrangement and use of a variety of design elements in creating the visual theme of a film. Please look through Chapter 5 (Mise en Scene and Actors) for more information on this term.
As you prepare to write this discussion, take a few moments to do the following:
Read any required and recommended reading materials for this week, especially Chapter 5 (Mise en
Scene and Actors).
Review the grading rubric for this discussion.
Select a full-length film from the AFI 10 Top 10 list. 
It can be easier to grasp the importance of the term mise en scène if we break it down into its component elements. This week, we’ll look at the impact of lighting choices on the creation of meaning in a film.
In any film, the intensity and direction of lighting will influence how an image is perceived by the viewer, and it can establish or enforce particular themes. Think back over films you have watched and consider how the use of lighting in key scenes helped establish the theme or tone.
Write (due Thursday, Day 3)
Using specific examples from your chosen film, writ a post in which you
• Identify the type of lighting used in the film (traditional three-point, high-key, or low-key) and assess the impact of the lighting used to establish the theme.
o Whatarethebenefitsofthestyleoflightingused?
o How did this technique contribute to the theme?
o How was the lighting technique suited to the genre of the film? For example, documentary films
tend to rely on natural light as a way of creating an overall tone of authenticity. • Compare how the scene would play if different choices had been made. 
You must use at least two outside sources, in any combination of embedded video clips, still photos, or scholarly sources. All sources should be documented in APA style as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center.
It is suggested that you approach this post by focusing your attention on the same film you will write about in this week’s “Genres and Genre Film” assignment. 

ENG 225 Week 3 Discussion 2 Categories and Functions of Sound

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ENG 225 Week 3 Discussion 2 Categories and Functions of Sound
As we have been discussing, the mise en scène of a film is the use of a variety of design elements to create the visual theme. As you prepare to write this discussion, take a few moments to do the following:
Read any required and recommended reading materials for this week, especially Chapter 5 (Mise en Scene and Actors).
Review the grading rubric for this discussion.
Select a full-length film from the AFI 10 Top 10 list.
Last week, we examined how different lighting styles and choices affected the final impact of a film. This week, we will consider different types and categories of sound at work in film and assess how they contribute to the overall sense of meaning in a film.
There are many types of sound in a film. Some are diegetic (sounds that are represented as coming from within the world of the film); others are non-diegetic (sounds that come from outside the world of the film). Your text describes the different categories of sound that fall under those types. What types of sounds, and what categories, are most effectively used in the film under consideration?
Write (due Thursday, Day 3)
Using specific examples from your chosen film, construct a discussion post of at least 200 words in which you
Describe each of the three basic categories of sound (dialogue, sound effects, and music).
Explain how the different categories of sound are being used in your chosen film.
o Assesstheimpactofsoundinestablishingthetheme.
o How does the use of sound inform the mood of the scene, or the film overall? 
o Can you identify specific sounds in your film that allow you to infer a particular genre?
o Since each category of sound may produce a range of effects, how might you characterize the
effects in your film? For example, realistic and expected sound effects may have a different effect
on a viewer than exaggerated or unexpected ones.
• Assess how the scene or sequence would play differently if you changed or removed a key category of sound. 

ENG 225 Week 4 Discussion 2 Acting and Acting Style

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ENG 225 Week 4 Discussion 2 Acting and Acting Style
As we have been discussing, the mise en scène of a film is the use of a variety of design elements to create the visual theme. As you prepare to write this discussion, take a few moments to do the following:
Read any required and recommended reading materials for this week, especially Chapter 5 (Mise en Scene and Actors).
Review the grading rubric for this discussion.
Select a full-length film from the AFI 10 Top 10 list.
Mise en scène refers to different technical elements used in making a film such as lighting and sound, both of which you have already analyzed in this course. The term also encompasses the role of actors in a film, their physical positioning and movements within the frame, as well as the different styles and types of acting.
You can classify an actor’s type using only one film as reference, but these categories are subject to change. Each new role helps to clarify or shift an actor’s designation. Do some actors always fall into the same category? How can actors change from category to category? Does genre have any effect on the acting styles present in a given film?
Write (due Thursday, Day 3)
Using specific examples from your chosen film, write an initial post of at least 200 words which should 
o Identify three actors from your film and classify each according to the types of actors listed in your text.
o Explain your reasons for classifying the actors as you do. Use specific references to the film and pay special attention to how these decisions impacted characterization. Also, consider the impact of any realistic or stylized portrayals within the film.
o Focus on one of the actors you’ve discussed. Based on other films the actor has been in, would this actor always be placed in the same category? If so, what does this say about the category or actor? If not, what can you infer about the flexibility of these categories? Provide evidence (references from other films, including film clips and stills) to support your argument.

You must use at least two outside sources, in any combination of embedded video clips, still photos, or scholarly sources. All sources should be documented in APA style as outlined by theAshford Writing Center.